We believe in full Transparency.
Triathlon Battery Solutions Ltd is a member Sunlight Group. At Sunlight, we conduct business with the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical behavior. Our Code of Conduct reflects our commitment to operating in full transparency and compliance with applicable legislation, rules, and regulations. This commitment permeates all our facilities and subsidiaries, and governs our relations with customers, investors, partners, suppliers, employees, regulators, and authorities.
The Code of Conduct document is structured around our shared values: Innovation, Agility, Integrity, Value Creation, and Data-driven. It is based on the principles of respect for human rights, transparency, accountability, and accuracy. And it guides the entire Sunlight Ecosystem in protecting the company’s reputation, assets, and brand.
Sunlight Group’s Code of Conduct describes how we operate, ethically and transparently, to achieve our goals purpose. Because for us, the way we achieve results is just as important as results themselves.

The Sunlight Group policies
Ensuring compliance with the legal, regulatory and supervisory framework, as currently in force, is a priority for Sunlight Group.
To that end, Sunlight Group has adopted the following Compliance Policies and Procedures, aiming to protect the Group and its personnel from any negative consequences due to misconduct, which could significantly damage its reputation and harm the trust that has been established with its employees, customers, suppliers and the communities where it operates.
The Compliance Policies are approved by the Group Compliance Committee and are binding to all companies of the Group. The Compliance Function is responsible for their development and update, while their effective implementation is up to all Group’s personnel and management.
For more information about our policies, please contact: compliance@sunlight.gr